Seeing a Rainbow at the End of Your Struggles in 2021

Dec 30, 2020

Seeing a Rainbow After a Year of Struggles in 2021


Wow, what a year 2020 has been. We have seen so many things coming at us, one right after another.  We saw this pandemic rock our whole way of life.  It affected our health, finances, family life, how we educate our children. It seems like everything has been a challenge,  Our employment status, how we worship, how we shop, and how we go about our daily lives.

We had to change our total way of life.  Asking us to stay indoors,  social distance, not travel, and wear a mask on top of all of that, seemed like a tall order.

We have seen the rise of systemic racism with police brutality on full display that it ushered in political unrest and protests worldwide.

Our democracy is in jeopardy from radicals who are unwilling to accept the people's will in picking the United States president.

We have also seen unprecedented deaths of black folk from our churches, neighbors, the nation, friends, and prominent figures from the Coronavirus, cancer, and violence.

I would say that no known segment of society has not seen or been affected by the struggles of sickness, disease, violence, poverty, racism, or political unrest.

I'm going to venture to say it wasn't the best year for many, but some good things came out of the struggle. I'm all about how we look at it.  

The question is, how did you handle the up and down minefields of 2020?  How will you get to the other side of all those struggles as we embark on a New Year?

I'm a nutritional health coach, not a psychologist. I have not figured out the solution to the age-old problem of handling struggles in the best way possible. I've also failed countless times in my life, and I figured if I have, so maybe so have you.

I dug through some of the lessons I've learned during my studies. I researched for some glimmers of hope to guide us as we embark on a new year.   

These are a few simple practices that might just help. Making these part of your day-to-day routine may help you shift your focus and realize that you do have some control over your life – and now is the time to take control.

Create a gratitude list: The relationship between gratitude and well-being has been well-documented.  Researchers have found that people with positive mindsets may have greater self-esteem, lower rates of depression, and overall more satisfaction in life. Keeping a list or journal cultivates an attitude of gratefulness.

Exercise: Regular exercise has many benefits, both physically and psychologically. Physical activity can give the body a chance to practice how to deal with stress.  The goal is to make sure to build a regular exercise program into your daily routine.

Take time to laugh: Laughter can improve mood and reduce stress. Some research suggests that the simple act of anticipating laughter can reduce stress.

Embrace the idea of stress rather than trying to reduce it: Instead of thinking about your stress and driving yourself crazy trying to 'cure' it, take a step back and look for the positives in your life.

If you have felt like you could use some guidance, accountability, and encouragement, reach out to me.  That's what I'm here for.  I've got some great things on the horizon for 2021 to help us have optimal health, body, mind, and spirit.  

Join my private Facebook Group Love 4 Life Private Facebook Group for Ladies.

I look forward to us going on a journey together to be our best selves. You deserve to make 2021 your best year yet.  LET Go and reach your greatest potential.

Your Sister in the Journey,



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