Eyes Forward-Toward Your Future! Make 2020 a VIP Year!!
Sep 20, 2019
Eyes Toward Your Future! Make 2020 a VIP Year!!
Where are You Now? Are You Where You Thought You Would Be?
Can you believe 2019 is almost over? When this year started did you have big dreams and plans? Were you going to write a book, travel, laugh more, workout, eat better or spend more time with your family? How are you doing? Are you almost at the finish line ready for your WIN? Did you begin and stop or did you start at all? Are you in the exact same place you were this time last year? Are you better or worse? Ask your yourself these questions and think about the answers and be honest. If you have made even a little progress, I commend you that's a big step. If you have made great strides, I'm standing up and cheering with you. If you have not made any movement, I'm here to say it's not too late, you can look at and think about your goals that you made at the beginning of the year and start NOW moving forward, just begin! You have 3 months. It's never to late to start.
Time is Moving Fast
I want you to think and visualize where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Are you making progress or just marking time? Time is moving so fast. If you are like me you are bombarded with the distractions of the 24 hour news cycle, pay TV, daily responsibilities of work, family, home and perhaps aged parents, while also attempting to make time for yourself. Before you look up the time has jumped ahead and you may be wondering where did the time go? You didn't do what you may have set out to accomplish, because it's more difficult than ever to slow down, think, plan, set and keep goals while moving forward. You may have lost focused because it seems like time is moving and ticking away so fast and you threw in the towel and gave up. All is not lost. You can begin again right now, right were you are.
Where Are You Going and How are You Going to Get There?
It's never to early to start planning for your future. Most successful people plan out each year and also 5-10 years in advance. If you want to go on a trip you plan where you want to go, how you're going to get there, hotel, itinerary, how much it's going to cost, when it's going to begin and end. All I'm saying is it's time to put that much thought into what you want for your future and not leave it up to chance. We don't know what the future holds, but if we don't make a plan we may end up somewhere we didn't want be.
It's Time to VIP!
You can begin right now to plan your success for 2020. It can be your year of real, tangible and positive progress. It's never too early to create your intentions in your mind, writing them down and moving forward with setting your goals and making a plan to have the best year ever. It can be something small or big, it doesn't matter just visualize, implement and proceed (VIP). You are going to have a VIP year!! If you can see it, do it and move toward it, you can have it.
Start by taking some time to for deep soul searching, and visualization. Write out what you want and what you see for your future in great detail. Vision boards are great tools to keep your vision always front and present. Make a plan of what you are going to implement and how you are going to accomplish your goals and your visions. Now you got to move and keep on moving. You can't stand still or stop and start. You'll be in the same spot next year or you could be even worse off, if you don't proceed forward.
You have greatness inside of you. If you can see it, God gave it to you and it will happen, but you have to VIP. Things are not going to happen unless you take action and don't let nothing stop you.
What Does the Number 20 Stand For?
I'm going deep now, forgive me. The number 20 means complete or a perfect waiting period. Something good is waiting for you in the future. 2020 is going to complete or be the beginning of your transformation. It's imperative that you keep your eye on your goals and don't give up.
Set Yourself Up For Success
So what didn't you do in 2019 that you may want to carry over into 2020? Or do you want to start fresh? Whatever it is, _________, _______, __________(fill in the blank), don't let 2020 end with you not accomplishing your goals. Set yourself up for success with small attainable wins. Start planning now for 2020 to be your year of completing your transformation. You can do this. I know I am.
Your Sister in the Journey,
Melesha Bailey
Certified Holistic Nutritional Health Coach
Love 4 Life Wellness/Manna Healing & Wholeness
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